
2025.01.28 Kanno-san’s paper for Cu and Au-mediated streamlined modular synthesis of saframycin substructure  has been published on Beilstein J. Org. Chem! This accomplishment was made possible through... ...Read more
2025.01.25 Lipinski-san gave a poster presentation at The University of Manchester × The University of Tokyo 2nd Joint Research Symposium!... ...Read more
2024.12.17 M2 members (Shimoe-san, Tsujita-san, Hata-san, Minamikawa-san, and Murakami-san) made their great master thesis presentations!... ...Read more
2024.12.14 From Dr. Momoka Yamane, we received a wonderful year-end gift ! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2024.12.06 Dr. Haruki Mizoguchi, a former member of the Oguri Group and currently an Associate Professor at Okayama University, has been awarded the 2024 Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry,... ...Read more
2024.11.29 Murakami-san (M2) has been awarded “CSJ Poster Presentation Award 2024 for Excellent Research”! Congratulations on the award, and let’s expect his future work!... ...Read more
2024.11.01 Krishanu Mondal-san has joined as a Project Researcher!... ...Read more
2024.10.23 Dr. Tasuku Honda (PhD, 2024) visited our lab!... ...Read more
2024.09.25 Inside back cover! The picture of Tay-san and Nishimura-san's achievements published in Chem. Sci. has been selected as the Inside back cover, congratulations!... ...Read more
2024.09.25 Tay-san and Nishimura-san's paper on the photo [4+2] and [2+2] reactions of dehydrosecodine-type substrates has been published as an Edge Article in Chemical Science! A press release was iss... ...Read more
2024.09.25 Lab trip to Nasushiobara (Tochigi Pref.)!... ...Read more
2024.09.20 Two members have obtained their master’s degrees from the University of Tokyo. Congratulations to Tay-san and Lipinski-san!... ...Read more
2024.09.19 Assistant Prof. Tanifuji participated in the 40th Organic Synthesis Chemistry Seminar, gave an poster presentation.... ...Read more
2024.09.05 Ishiga-san gave an oral presentation on the anti-hepatic fibrosis activity of the 6-aza-artemisinins at the 66th Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products (第66回天然有機化合物討論会)!... ...Read more
2024.08.25 Haraguchi-san, Hata-san, Hasegawa-san, and Tanifuji-san have presented our progress on “at the Young Researchers' Meeting on Forecasting Biosynthesis”.... ...Read more
2024.08.23 Prof. Oguri delivered an invited lecture at the "2nd Symposium for the Distinguished Lectureship Awards on The International Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia," held in Bangkok, Thailan... ...Read more
2024.08.19 An article by Prof. Oguri’s titled "我が研究の源流 (13) 骨格多様化合成の研究はここから始まった!" has been published in the monthly journal “Chemistry (月刊 化学)” Sept. 2024 issue.”... ...Read more
2024.08.08 From Mr. Kiyoshi Shimohata (graduate, 2024), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2024.07.23 A review on chemo-enzymatic total synthesis has been published in BJOC! (Ryo Tanifuji,* Hiroki Oguri,* BJOC 2024, 20, 1693–1712.)... ...Read more
2024.07.11 From Dr. Tasuku Honda (graduate, 2024), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2024.07.11 Assistant Professor Tanifuji participated in the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan DDS Society, gave an oral presentation, and received the Journal Award (Biointerphases, AIP Publishing)!... ...Read more
2024.07.05 Wayama-san, Kanno-san, Yabe-san, Oki-san, Yoshida-san, and Tanifuji have participated in 第57回天然物化学談話会 @ Nagoya Univ.... ...Read more
2024.06.25 Prof. Andrei Yudin (Univ. Toronto) delivered the 1949th Zasshikai Seminar, including strategies for modifying macrocyclic structures!... ...Read more
2024.06.24 We hosted the 24th Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry!... ...Read more
2024.06.07 Prof. Paul A. Wender (Stanford Univ.) delivered lectures over four days, including the 1944th Zasshikai Seminar!... ...Read more
2024.05.29 Ishiga-san gave an oral presentation on the anti-hepatic fibrosis activity of the 6-aza-artemisinin group at the 18th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chemical Biology!... ...Read more
2024.05.28 "Modern Natural Product Synthesis" featuring chapter 7 on the Chemo-enzymatic total synthesis of saframycin A has been Published!... ...Read more
2024.05.24 Prof. Oguri made an oral presentation at the “10th US-Japan Seminar on Biosynthesis of Natural Products,” held in Karuizawa, Japan.... ...Read more
2024.05.17 Dr. Naoto Yamasaki (Nagoya Univ.) delivered an incredibly encouraging lecture featuring his achievements! Thank you very much!... ...Read more
2024.05.02 Haraguchi-san's article on Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis has appeared on Enzyme Engineering News, Issue No. 91 (Japanese)!... ...Read more
2024.04.23 Wayama-san (D2) has been awarded “CSJ Student Presentation Award 2023”! Congratulations on the award, and let’s expect his future work!... ...Read more
2024.04.01 We've started the Lab this year with 30 students and 5 staffs!... ...Read more
2024.04.01 6 members have joined as master program students: Fumi Oki (from UT), Masahiro Ofuchi (from UT), Yuhi Kobayashi (from Chuo Univ.), Yuya Sekino (from UT), Haruka Hasegawa (from Ochanomizu Un... ...Read more
2024.04.01 Four B4 members have joined : Shogo Iwazaki, Daikichi Sasaki, Masato Shibano, and Yuto Nakanishi!... ...Read more
2024.03.22 4 members have acquired their bachelor degrees from The University of Tokyo. Congratulations to Oki-san, Ofuchi-san, Sekino-san, and Yoshida-san!... ...Read more
2024.03.21 6 members have acquired their master degrees from The University of Tokyo. Congratulations to Kanno-san, Shimohata-san, Han-san, Yao-san, Yabe-san, and Li-san!... ...Read more
2024.03.21 Dr. Honda's birth! Congratulations!... ...Read more
2024.03.20 Wayama-san, Shimohata-san, Oki-san, and Yoshida-san have presented our progress on “The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting.”... ...Read more
2024.03.12 B4 members (Oki-san, Ofuchi-san, Sekino-san, Yoshida-san) made their nice graduation thesis presentation!... ...Read more
2024.02.07 M2 members (Kanno-san, Shimohata-san, Han-san, Yao-san, Yabe-san, Li-san) made their nice master thesis presentation!... ...Read more
2024.02.05 Front cover! The picture of Honda-san's achievements published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. has been selected as the Front cover, congratulations!... ...Read more
2024.01.22 Honda-san's paper for Natural Product-Based Figure-Eight Macrocycles has been published on Angewandte Chemie! This accomplishment was made possible through collaborative research with a lot ... ...Read more
2023.09.26 Lab trip to Echigoyuzawa (Niigata Pref.)!... ...Read more
2023.09.15 Wayama-san (D1) made an oral presentation about his dihydropyridine chemistry on 第65回天然有機化合物討論会!... ...Read more
2023.09.10 Ishiga-san (D1) made a poster presentation about his 6-aza-artemisinin chemistry and biology on 2023年度若手支援技術講習会 @ Nagoya!... ...Read more
2023.09.04 Assistant Prof. Tanifuji has made an invited presentation at the faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku Univ.... ...Read more
2023.09.01 A new MERIT student! Ryo Minamikawa-san (M1) has been selected as a MERIT-WINGS student, congratulations!... ...Read more
2023.08.28 Haraguchi-san (D1) made an oral presentation about his chemo-enzymatic approach on 生合成若手シンポジウム!... ...Read more
2022.08.23 From Mr. Ryo Watanabe (graduate, 2017), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2023.08.08 Ishiga-san and Wayama-san made poster presentations in MERIT-camp @ Yugawara!... ...Read more
2023.08.06 Haraguchi-san, Kanno-san, Prof. Oguri, and Tanifuji have participated 浅虫シンポジウム with Prof. Tanaka group (Tohoku Univ.) and Prof. Sakai group (Hokkaido Univ.).... ...Read more
2023.08.02 The cover picture of Tay-san's paper in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. has been selected as one of the Frontispiece, congratulations!... ...Read more
2023.06.28 A paper by Tay-san and Wayama-san for Encapsulation of biomimetic unstable intermediate has been published on Angewandte Chemie! This accomplishment was made possible through collaborative r... ...Read more
2023.06.30 Honda-san, Ishiga-san, Haraguchi-san, Wayama-san, Kanno-san, and Tanifuji have participated 第56回天然物化学談話会 @ Tsukuba.... ...Read more
2023.06.23 Professor Renata (Rice University) gave us three days of intensive lectures, Zasshi-kai award lecture, and a lot of scientific discussions. We would like to express our great gratitude and... ...Read more
2023.06.16 Professor Craig A. Hutton presented a great presentation as Zasshikai seminar No. 1884 about elegant thioamide chemistry.... ...Read more
2023.06.06 The comments of Assistant Prof. Ryo Tanifuji on "CSJ Presentation Award 2022 for Industries" has appeared on Chemistry& Chemical Industry (化学と工業) Vol.76–6.... ...Read more
2023.06.01 With Prof. Tanaka group (Tohoku Univ.), assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has joined co-research tour to Prof. Gatsogiannis group (Münster, Germany) as JSPS Bilateral Programs.... ...Read more
2023.05.20 We held a Lab BBQ (with OB, OG) at Koganei Park with great help of Watanabe-san (OB)!... ...Read more
2023.04.19 Honda Tasuku-san (D3) has been awarded "CSJ Student Presentation Award 2022"! Congratulations on the award, and let's expect his future work!... ...Read more
2023.04.19 Assistant Prof. Ryo Tanifuji has been awarded "CSJ Presentation Award 2022 for Industries"! Congratulations on the award, and let's expect continued success.... ...Read more
2023.04.12 An OL paper by Wayama-san for Biomimetic Transannular Cyclization has been published (with Twitter) and selected as The journal cover picture!... ...Read more
2023.04.03 Xiao Cong Zhang has joined as a Doctor course student from McGilL University!... ...Read more
2023.04.03 5 members have joined as master program students: Shunsuke Murakami (from UT), Ryoya Tsujita (from UT), Hiroki Shimoe (from Kyusyu Univ.), Daichi Hata (from Tokyo Tech), and Ryo Minamikawa (... ...Read more
2023.04.03 Four B4 members have joined : Fumi Oki, Masahiro Ofuchi, Yuya Sekino, and Tomohiro Yoshida!... ...Read more
2023.03.25 Gavin-san, Wayama-san, Honda-san, Kaneko-san, Prof, Oguri, and Assistant Prof. Tanifuji have presented our progress on “The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting.”... ...Read more
2023.03.25 Prof. Oguri won The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work for 2022. Congratulations!... ...Read more
2023.03.24 2 members have acquired their bachelor degrees from The University of Tokyo. Congratulations to Tsujita-san and Murakami-san!... ...Read more
2023.03.23 4 members have acquired their master degrees from The University of Tokyo. Congratulations to Ishiga-san, Nishimura-san, Haraguchi-san and Wayama-san!... ...Read more
2023.03.09 B4 members (Tsujita-san, Murakami-san) made their nice graduation thesis presentation!... ...Read more
2023.02.10 Assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has presented our research on “AdAMS meeting @ Shiga prefecture.”... ...Read more
2023.02.08 M2 members (Ishiga-san, Nishimura-san, Haraguchi-san, Wayama-san) made their nice master thesis presentation!... ...Read more
2022.11.25 Professor Shigeki Matsunaga presented a great presentation as Zasshikai seminar No. 1859 about a lot of beautiful natural products he isolated and determined structures.... ...Read more
2023.01.23 Assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has participated GYSS2023 at Singapore.... ...Read more
2022.11.10 Naoto Haraguchi-san (M2) has presented our research and received Outstanding Presentation award on “The 121st Symposium on Organic Synthesis”. Congratulations!... ...Read more
2022.10.03 Wang Xinrui-san (D1) and Chloe Lipinski-san (M1) have joined!... ...Read more
2022.09.22 Gavin Tay-san has acquired his bachelor’s degree from The University of Tokyo. Congratulations!... ...Read more
2022.09.19 Prof. Oguri has presented our research on International Asian Chemical Biology Initiative (ACBI) Meeting-2022 @ Goa, India... ...Read more
2022.09.09 Tasuku Honda-san has presented our research on “The 64th Symposium on the chemistry of natural products @ Shizuoka prefecture.” ...Read more
2022.09.08 Assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has received a memorial plate of "63rd Encouragement Award of Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products".... ...Read more
2022.09.09 The interview article of Professor Oguri has been appeared on “RIGAKU-RU”.... ...Read more
2022.08.30 From Ms. Mana Moriguchi (graduate, 2022), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2022.08.26 New benches has been introduced!... ...Read more
2022.08.06 We held a reunion party in Sapporo to celebrate Professor Oikawa's retirement from Hokkaido University.... ...Read more
2022.08.03 From Mr. Tomotaka Morohoshi (graduate, 2017), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2022.08.02 Our united team with Shionoya-lab won the Championship of Chemistry Soccer Cup! Congratulations for the best team and great games!... ...Read more
2022.08.01 Dr. Tanifuji's short review of recent progress in ring contraction reaction has been published on ...Read more
2022.07.11 From Ms. Kurumi Takakuwa (graduate, 2022), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2022.06.28 From Mr. Ryo Watanabe (graduate, 2017), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2022.06.18 Dr. Tanifuji's short review of enzymatic biaryl synthesis was appeared on “Chemistry (月刊 化学)" July 2022 issue.”... ...Read more
2022.04.16 A JOC paper by Wayama-san and Arai-san for biomimetic dimerization has been published (with Twitter) and selected as a supplementary cover picture!... ...Read more
2022.06.01 Takehiro Ishiga-san has presented his progress on “The 16th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chemical Biology.”... ...Read more
2022.04.07 MingYuan Gao has joined as a Doctor program student from Hokkaido University!... ...Read more
2022.04.07 7 members have joined as master program students: Asahi Kanno (from UT), Kiyoshi Shimohata (from UT), Zhaoyang Han (from Waseda Univ.), Takashi Fushiki (from UT), Yihang Yao (Zhejiang Univ.)... ...Read more
2022.04.07 2 members have joined as bachelor course students: Ryoya Tsujita and Shunsuke Murakami! (And Tay Gavin from February)... ...Read more
2022.04.01 A full paper about Chemo-enzymatic strategy has been published on Tetrahedron Chem Vol. 1 (The First Issue)!... ...Read more
2022.03.25 3 members have acquired their bachelor's degrees from The University of Tokyo. Congratulations to Asahi Kanno, Kiyoshi Shimohata, and Takashi Fushiki!... ...Read more
2022.03.25 6 members graduated from our laboratory with master’s degrees from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Congratulations to Hirohito Okuno, Shun Oyadomari, Yusuke Shinkaku, Kurumi ... ...Read more
2022.02.14 Gavin Tay-san (GSC student) has joined our Lab!... ...Read more
2022.03.14 B4 students (Kanno-san, Shimohata-san, and Fushiki-san) have finished their graduation thesis presentation!... ...Read more
2022.02.05 M2 members made their nice master thesis presentation! @TUAT... ...Read more
2022.02.02 Assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has presented our research on “AdAMS meeting @ Shiga prefecture.”... ...Read more
2021.12.27 "Shionogi Award for Small-Molecule Medicinal Chemistry " Congratulations!... ...Read more
2021.12.15 From Dr. Takahiro Ugai, we received a wonderful year-end gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2021.11.16 Professor Kazuo Nagasawa (TUAT) gave intensive lectures and a wonderful research presentation as Zasshikai seminar No. 1842.... ...Read more
2021.11.05 Lab. trip to Chiba prefecture.... ...Read more
2021.11.05 Assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has been awarded "63rd Encouragement Award of Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products"! Congratulations on the award, and let's expect continued succ... ...Read more
2021.10.08 A short communication paper by Yuta Arai (新井雄太 修士 TUAT)et al. has been published in Tetrahedron Letters.... ...Read more
2021.10.01 SPRING GX student! Tasuku Honda (D1) and Nobuto Kaneko (D1) have started their research as SPRING-GX students!... ...Read more
2021.10.01 MERIT students! Takehiro Ishiga (M1) and Toshiaki Wayama (M1) have started their research as MERIT-WINGS students.... ...Read more
2021.10.01 Assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has started his research as "JST ACT-X" researcher.... ...Read more
2021.09.27 A New book "Middle Molecular Strategy" published!... ...Read more
2021.09.08 From Mr. Ryo Watanabe (graduate, 2017), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2021.08.20 From Mr. Takahiro Shimizu (graduate, 2021), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2021.07.20 From Ms. Erina Hosono (graduate, 2021), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2021.07.13 From Dr. Takahiro Ugai, we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2021.04.01 4 members have joind as master program students: Takehiro Ishiga (from UT), Soushi Nishimura (from UT), Naoto Haraguchi (from TUAT), Toshiaki Wayama (from Tohoku Univ.).... ...Read more
2021.04.01 3 members have joined as bachelor course students: Asahi Kanno, Kiyoshi Shimohata, Takashi Fushiki.... ...Read more
2021.03.25 6 members graduated from our laboratory with Ph. D. or master’s degrees from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Congratulations to Norihito Takahashi (PhD), Nobuto Kaneko, Takah... ...Read more
2021.01.23 A review about antimalarial agents artemisinins appeared on Chemistry Letters Vol. 50 Commemorative Highlight Review.... ...Read more
2020.12.25 Assistant Professor Ryo Tanifuji has been awarded "37th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists". Congratulations on ... ...Read more
2020.12.16 From Dr. Takahiro Ugai, we received a wonderful year-end gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2020.12.14 A full paper by Takahiro Shimizu (M2), Norihito Takahashi (D3) appeared on Bioorganic & Medicinal Ch... ...Read more
2020.12.04 From Ms. Ryoko Komatsu (graduate, 2020), we received a wonderful year-end gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2020.11.20 An invited lecture "Exploration of New Horizons for Natural Products Synthesis" at the 10th Chem-Station V Sympos... ...Read more
2020.10.01 Ms. Mieko Kato joined our laboratory as a secretary.... ...Read more
2020.09.17 Our JOC paper reported by Dr.Reddy, Mr. Takahashi, Mr. Matsuoka, and Ms. Koi has been ... ...Read more
2020.07.28 From Mr. Ryo Watanabe (graduate, 2017), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2020.07.27 From Ms. Nana Tsuchiya (graduate, 2020), we received a wonderful midsummer gift! Thank you so much!!... ...Read more
2020.07.02 The full paper developed by Bonepally Karunakar Reddy (Ph.D.), Mr. Norihito Takahashi, Mr. Naoya Matsuoka, and Ms. Hikar... ...Read more
2020.06.26 The communication presented by Ms. Hikari Koi and Mr. Norihito Takahashi appeared on Organic Biomolecu... ...Read more
2020.06.16 Ryo Tanifuji has been appointed to an Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo.... ...Read more
2020.04.01 Professor Hiroki Oguri has been appointed to the National Products Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, School of Science, the University of Tokyo.... ...Read more