In the Oguri laboratory, we are developing concise and flexible synthetic approaches to generate functional molecules based on the structure, biosynthesis, and biological roles of natural products as the evolutionary consequences of life. With integration of the biosynthetic logics and modern strategies of organic synthesis, biomimetic modular assembly lines were devised to gain divergent access to skeletally diverse molecules. The densely functionalized natural products and their variants have been utilized as covalent ligands to investigate chemical genetic and medicinal research relevant to infectious diseases and tumors. We are also exploring the interface of natural products and supramolecular chemistry by harnessing the largely untapped potential of natural products bearing specific molecular recognition capabilities. Our research and educational activities are aimed at nurturing the next generation leaders who create new values and explore the frontier of chemical research and industries.
受験希望者は事前に大栗 (hirokioguri[at] へご連絡ください。 対面/Web面談(Zoomなど)を実施する予定です。 If you are interested in taking the exam, please contact Hiroki Oguri (hirokioguri[at] in advance. Onsite or Web interviews (Zoom, etc.) will be conducted.
What's New
2024.09.05Ishiga-san gave an oral presentation on the anti-hepatic fibrosis activity of the 6-aza-artemisinins at the 66th Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products (第66回天然有機化合物討論会)!......Read more
2024.08.25Haraguchi-san, Hata-san, Hasegawa-san, and Tanifuji-san have presented our progress on “at the Young Researchers' Meeting on Forecasting Biosynthesis”.......Read more
2024.08.23Prof. Oguri delivered an invited lecture at the "2nd Symposium for the Distinguished Lectureship Awards on The International Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia," held in Bangkok, Thailand.......Read more
2024.08.19An article by Prof. Oguri’s titled "我が研究の源流 (13) 骨格多様化合成の研究はここから始まった!" has been published in the monthly journal “Chemistry (月刊 化学)” Sept. 2024 issue.”......Read more
2024.07.23A review on chemo-enzymatic total synthesis has been published in BJOC! (Ryo Tanifuji,* Hiroki Oguri,* BJOC 2024, 20, 1693–1712.)......Read more
2024.07.11Assistant Professor Tanifuji participated in the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan DDS Society, gave an oral presentation, and received the Journal Award (Biointerphases, AIP Publishing)!......Read more
2024.07.05Wayama-san, Kanno-san, Yabe-san, Oki-san, Yoshida-san, and Tanifuji have participated in 第57回天然物化学談話会 @ Nagoya Univ.......Read more
2024.06.25Prof. Andrei Yudin (Univ. Toronto) delivered the 1949th Zasshikai Seminar, including strategies for modifying macrocyclic structures!......Read more