漢方薬の有効成分であるアルテミシニンやその誘導体は、マラリア治療に革新をもたらしました。細胞内のヘム鉄とペルオキシド架橋部位との反応で生じる炭素ラジカル種が生体分子と共有結合を形成しつつ,局所的な酸化ストレスを亢進します。我々は、アルテミシニン類の6位の炭素を窒素に置き換えた分子群を設計し、単純な構築ブロックからわずか4工程で四環性骨格を構築しました。これにより、従来構造改変が困難であった C 環部へ様々な置換基を導入した類縁体群を創出しました。合成法の改良や構造の多様化を進めるとともに、分子プローブを活用したケミカルバイオロジー研究や創薬リード創製に取り組んでいます。
Biogenetically inspired synthesis and skeletal diversification of indole alkaloids. H. Mizoguchi, H. Oikawa, H. Oguri. Nat. Chem.2014, 6, 57–64.
Zn(OTf)2-mediated annulations of N-propargylated tetrahydrocarbolines: divergent synthesis of four distinct alkaloidal scaffolds. S. Yorimoto, A. Tsubouchi, H. Mizoguchi, H. Oikawa, Y. Tsunekawa, T. Ichino, S. Maeda, H. Oguri. Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 5686–5698.
Synthesis of a Halicyclamine-type Macrocyclic Scaffold via Biomimetic Transannular Cyclization. T. Wayama, H. Oguri. Org. Lett.2023, 25, 3596–3601.
Synthetic Modulation of an Unstable Dehydrosecodine-type Intermediate and Its Encapsulation into a Confined Cavity Enable Its X-ray Crystallographic Observation. G. Tay, T. Wayama, H. Takezawa, S. Yoshida, S. Sato, M. Fujita, H. Oguri. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202305122.
Direct photochemical intramolecular [4 + 2] cycloadditions of dehydrosecodine-type substrates for the synthesis of the iboga-type scaffold and divergent [2 + 2] cycloadditions employing micro-flow system. G. Tay, S. Nishimura, H. Oguri Chem. Sci.2024, 15, 15599–15609 (Edge Article).
Chemo-enzymatic Total Syntheses of Jorunnamycin A, Saframycin A, and N-Fmoc Saframycin Y3. R. Tanifuji, K. Koketsu, M. Takakura, R. Asano, A. Minami, H. Oikawa, H. Oguri. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 10705–10709.
Chemo-enzymatic total syntheses of bis-tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids and systematic exploration of the substrate scope of SfmC. R. Tanifuji, N. Haraguchi, H. Oguri, Tetrahedron Chem. 2022,1, 100010.
Rapid and Systematic Exploration of Chemical Space Relevant to Artemisinins: Anti-malarial Activities of Skeletally Diversified Tetracyclic Peroxides and 6-Aza-artemisinins. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 9694–9712.
Synthesis and Structural Diversification of Artemisinins Towards the Generation of Potent Anti-malarial Agents H. Oguri. Chem. Lett. 2021, 50, 924–937 (highlighted review).
Rapid Synthesis of Chiral Figure-Eight Macrocycles Using a Preorganized Natural Product-Based Scaffold. T. Honda, D. Ogata, M. Tsurui, S. Yoshida, S. Sato, T. Muraoka,. Y. Kitagawa, Y. Hasegawa, J. Yuasa, H. Oguri Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202318548.